Sunday, February 12, 2023

Thoughts On M. Night

 As you know, I am a fan of "good bad" movies -- and that got me thinking about M. Night Shamalamadingdong (sorry - I can't help that). He is not really my thing ... but =>

With the utmost respect for his craft, using what I think is the highest praise - he is the Roger Corman of $20M movies. M. Night has self produced his last 5 movies - they ALL make their budget back in the opening weekend. All of his movies except for his very first "Wide Awake" made more than they cost (averaging 8x their budget). If you just count the $40M or less movies, there are 6 of them - the return is 12x. For the ones over $40M, the return is 3x.

This is a 52 year old person -- He seems to have decided he doesn't need / want to work with a major studio - he makes a movie every 2 years -- he will be making movies for another couple decades if he wants to.

Like his movies or not - it is hard to not be impressed by his ability to work that business and produce a product that consistently sells for a profit. That is why I give him the RC award. He has earned it.

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