Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Wiener Dog Nationals (2014) - Discovering the W.D.C.U.

I have just discovered the WDCU - wiener dog cinematic universe. There are many of these g-rated family movies that trip the clock at under 90 minutes. They are loaded with people you know from some other thing. Production values are mixed - but the actors are entertaining and the story hums along. "Wiener Dog Nationals" was a blast. There is a sequel I will watch as well.

In this one, there was no CGI that I noticed - all of the effects were practical*

If I had one complaint - not enough wiener dogs. For a movie about racing wiener dogs, I would have liked to have seen at least twice as much of those little buggers running around.

(VVV spoiler alert VVV -- stop reading if you want to be thrilled by this wonderful piece of cinema -- VVV spoiler alert VVV)

*In terms of practical effects - this included when the race was 'fixed' by adding a snausages-dropping robotic trapdoor to the wooly wiener dog owned by the conniving mutli-millionaire wiener dog race owner (Cruella Da Ville type, played by a GORGEOUS 62 year old Morgan Fairchild). She has a comically huge pink remote control that she presses during the race to cause the trap door to open and the puppy treats to fall out - which of course results in all of the other racers to stop and get a snack. You know she is cheating before this, but you forget this is G-rated, so you assume she is pulling a Max Zorin (from "A View to a Kill") and juicing the poor puppy with rhinoceros steroids during the race.

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