Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Rubber (2010) - French Absurdity

I saw a film, and as I watched, I said to myself: “Raul, you know what - I didn’t think anyone but the French made absurd films”. And then Raul said “mmmhmmm. Stop talking. This is funny.” Raul was right - so I just settled back in for the 86 minute ride. Afterwards, I opened up Wikipedia and realized I was right - that WAS a French film - it was just stocked with American actors.

“Rubber” (2010) is an absurd comedy-¿horror? It comes with three scoops of meta: it tells you in the beginning, middle, and end that it is being absurd on purpose. I mean - literally - the characters tell the audience or each other that this makes no sense. They are not lying. You were warned. For anyone who has trouble noting when the first, second, third act start precisely in a film - I recommend you watch “Rubber” and every time they tell you this makes no sense or there is no reason to what is happening, THAT was the start of the next chapter.

The lack of sense or reason did not make it unwatchable, or unfunny - personally, I found it charming. The storyteller told you what they were doing - and invited you to come along. I laughed out loud in several places (which is hard for me sometimes - I don’t yield to Raul enough). In particular, I could not stop giggling at the meta-humor of Wings Hauser wearing a baseball cap that said ‘Classically Trained’ on it. HAH!! It is only horror in that there is some ludicrous gore. Not a lot, but they do make a few messes and blow some people up.

I would watch it again with other people who are into silly films. About like I would watch anything from Asylum Films (I am looking at you “Shark Side of the Moon”). The actors were all people you will recognize from other things. Hauser was the only one I could name - I am not that geeky.

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